So, I just finished up writing an email to Dean Baum (not pictured, sadly) and some people in IT about how my log-in privileges (for the Law School computers) have been suspended inexplicably and how I expect this matter to be addressed immediately and forthwith. Needless to say, I shall not--I cannot--wallow any longer than is necessary in the wireless-free hell undergraduates are made to suffer. Anyway, in the process of looking up some contact information on the
Law School's webpage, I came across a cute little feature called
Nota Bene. which is the sub-heading under the heading "Law School Facts." Here are my favorite "Law School Facts:"
- Michigan's Law Quadrangle is the finest living/learning environment in the world of legal education.
- The University of Michigan Law School is the international center for interdisciplinary legal scholarship and teaching.
- Ann Arbor is considered among the best places in the United States to live, work, raise children, and acquire an education.
Now I like
A2 as much as the next guy--and a whole lot more than does Blogger E or Sugarpockets--but come on, people; even the 5th graders I used to teach (poorly) knew how to tell the difference between a fact and an assertion.
here's a fact: dean caminker has thick, lusterous hair.
i'll be honest: i do miss the easy access to TJs. that union square TJs is a nightmare and a half.
Please report to the principal's office, immediately.
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