What does one do after having starred in these three towering achievements of recent American cinema? And before you answer, note that said one is
Edward Norton, in c4ts' view the most interesting American actor of his generation--a man so persnickety
he turned down Matt Damon's role in Saving Private Ryan, a man so protective of his career
he fought Paramount tooth and nail when it forced him to make good on an obviously valid old contract? (The studio's efforts resulted in Norton reluctantly playing the mustachioed villain in
The Italian Job, a middling, though not embarrassing, remake of a
cockney Mike classic.)
Well, apparently what one does is to strip down to his tattered purple chinos (pictured) and jump head-first into the sea of artistic compromise:
Norton is set to play the Incredible Hulk in a sequel to a movie I am pretty sure no one even saw. Here's to hoping this arrangement is part of some sort of Faustian bargain that will result in
Motherless Brooklyn actually being made and released. Or maybe the two movies could be combined:
Bruce Banner gets exposed to gamma rays and develops a weird form of
melanoma and a bout of
Tourette's? Hollywood, thoughts?
i dunno...his artistic credibility is undermined by his love for salma hayek and her giant knockers. yale drama school my arse.
who's directing this sequel? will it be ang lee again? will bruce banner go into the mountains and forget how to quit you?
The first Hulk was bad. I saw it when it came out. But even then, it was still better than The Namesake. Oh, the rage!
No, Ang Lee is not directing. Some hack director who made some action movies no one saw.
Also, Norton, I believe, did his undergraduate work at Yale, in history. No Drama School. And, e, I am not sure how a love for Salma Hayek's knockers would compromise his artistic credibility, particularly, since in the heterosexual male mind that part of her body is art incarnate.
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