I don't know how I missed this, but as of April 5th
it's been 13 years since
Courtney killed Kurt, which means his death anniversary is out of its
tweens, hates its parents, and is ready to channel its angst into
flannel and
grunge. It's amazing how fast they grow up. Anyway, if you cried along with
Kurt Loder on April 5th, 1994, and then cried again when you read Nick Hornby's
About a Boy (which, by the way, does
not end with
Hugh Grant singing in a talent show), this one's for you..
Nirvana - Jesus Don't Want Me for a Sunbeam.mp3
in one of my history classes in college my prof asked "what has been a defining moment of your generation?" before anyone could answer, one guy in all earnestness said, "i think kurt cobain's suicide really affected and transformed our generation."
that may be true to some, who knows. but obvs this was not the proper forum in which to express such a thought. the withering look the prof gave this poor kid was something else. the rest of us tried to salvage the discussion by offering TIME/LIFE worthy moments such as the fall of the berlin wall and the reunion of fleetwood mac.
and i recently re-watched singles. good movie and even better eddie vedder cameo.
btw, does chris cornell play the mime in that movie?
Whoah. The Berlin Wall fell? WTFuck? Was there an earthquake? Is that why Hasselhoff is pissed all the time?
I don't remember Singles too well, except for Bridget Fonda's weird hat. But I did buy the soundtrack and I felt really proud of myself when I did. But now that I look back on it, it could've been the Reality Bites soundtrack. Or maybe I got both.
A) Kurt was also 27 when he died, which is my age, which for some reason totally freaked me out when it occurred to me today.
B) I wasn't in E's class, but if I had been, I would have given that dude a high-five.
C)This reminds me -- yesterday I was in a charity thrift store and they were playing the song that Ethan Hawke sings on the Reality Bites soundtrack. I recognized it because I listened to that tape approximately 15000 times.
Why were they playing THAT SONG but not the whole soundtrack? Maybe they're big Ethan fans?
Hey, that's my bike.
Oh my god. Wouldn't it be great if they did a joint sequel where Hey That's My Bike is a battle of the bands against Citizen Dick?
And Rachel, as for why the store was playing "I'm Nuthin'." Yeah, I know that shit--and didn't even have to google, I would suggest that there are, in fact, legions of Ethan fans. Remember that novel he wrote? He came to a small, independent bookstore near my school freshman year to read from it and riots almost broke out.
Yo, Singles is a really great movie! I loved the shit out of that soundtrack, until I realized Paul Westerberg's voice is really annoying. If anybody can find that video dating video from that movie on YouTube I'll be yours, for like, ever.
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