So as far as main thoroughfares go, Packard Street in Ann Arbor is no Champs Elysees, but in our humble little burg it's quite something--cutting crosstown diagonally, like Broadway, terminating into precious little Main Street. My apartment overlooks Packard, and this evening I was indoors as the sound of amateur fireworks exploded into the night sky. Invariably, each incident was followed by a fire-truck or ambulance speeding down the street: cause, meet effect. Dunderheaded self-injury, I suppose, is as good a way as any to celebrate the replacement--231 years later--of British tyranny with a Texas-by-way-of-Connecticut one. I find this particular yoke of oppression chafes less.
"Dunderheaded"? You're a real antique piece, you know that?
what would be an apt catchphrase clue for "dunderhead," anonymous? i think something akin to "this person's head is dundered."
but that would just be insane.
If it wasn't canasta and salisbury steak night at the old folks' home, I'd sort you out, whippersnapper.
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