or how is "iceman eateth?"
what is going on with val kilmer? okay fine, i'll give him the benefit of the doubt. maybe he is gaining weight for a movie role. but then why does he look so sheepish?
but most importantly, what the hell is this? and why is val kilmer so obsessed with playing moses?
Is the poor layout of this post, an aesthetic meta-commentary on its subject?
Btw, I think celebrities are always worth skewering, but how come some part of me doesn't like you saying mean things about Val Kilmer? I need to deal with my latent Batman/Top Secret/Jim Morrison/Real Genius/Willow/Doc Holliday issues. Val Kilmer practically raised me.
Yeah, it shows up properly on some browsers. Whatevs. If it were a meta-commentary, then this post wouldve been half its size and playing opposite meg ryan 10 yrs ago.
Movie role?
As what a sumo wrestler? A pre-diet Richard Simmons? C'mon Val, think "health" not oscar......cause that ship has sailed.
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