Hey, I need to blog again. I know. Parents were in town Christmasweek, and then 'Pockets and I flew back east for a wedding in Pittsburgh/to see if my new niece/nephew had arrived on the scene, but that's no excuse: Benazir was assassinated/
bumped her head; Pakistan devolved into a riotous and blood-spattered free-for-all (which led to the destruction of, among other things, my aunt's car...while she was driving it);
The Wire season premiere dropped On Demand;
Mike Huckabee became the would-be-nominee for a bit, then
started to talk about things not related to our Lord and Savior/love handles;
Giuliani became irrelevant; and
Will Smith secretly converted to Scientology (which
makes him still more electable than
Romney). Also, Happy New Year! Here's to hoping that nuclear holocaust/impending Chinese colonization/bird flu/
Britney-LiLo-Winehouse's inevitable group overdose and-or suicide pact decides to put off plans till '09 at least.
cold, could you explain in a blog-post what your issues are with obama, with links to the specific aspects of his policy recommendations that you are troubled by, links to quotes of things he's said that you don't like, etc.? i saw you trashing him in the comments on an earlier post, but i've not seen anything to substantiate your concerns about him.
i'd note that he's the only one of the top 3 dem-contenders who has explicitly advocated for the repeal of DOMA and Don't Ask/Don't Tell. i'd note that his health-care plan would give every american the same options as i, a federal employee, have. (edwards's plan to simply expand medicare strikes me as an even better idea, but one i don't think will actually pass.)
obama is into discussion and compromise, whereas edwards paints himself as a populist fighter. but this is a difference in approach only; their commitment to progressive values, i think, is equally strong.
i like that obama went straight to chicago from law school, became a community organizer, and has committed his life since then to communities of growing size. he doesn't seem phony to me. edwards, for all his rhetoric, seems smarmy in the end. i don't trust him.
and i'll take obama's prescient comments about the war in iraq over edwards's vote-repudiation any day.
so that's my invitation, i'll respond when you've posted!
Sure, I'll do you up a post. Let me do some work the balance of the afternoon, and hit you back tomorrow. It looks like Obama's squeaking it out tonight, so it'll be fitting.
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