as the quagmires in the middle east and the koreas each deepens, the gulf of mexico turns to black and the summer of death 2010 begins, i raise this most relevant question: have you read any of the reviews for sex and the city 2? you really should! you can tell that the reviewers really leaned into challenge of describing their horror and disgust as vividly as possible. how else to explain amazing lines like, "Though the sequel is a welcome return of the four women we know and love, it's tough not to acknowledge that if we were all friends in real life, at this point we'd probably stop taking their calls." zing! or "Some of these people make my skin crawl." aaaand "The only thing memorable about Sex and the City 2 is the number two part, which describes it totally, if you get my drift."
also, are you watching party down? wha? why not?!
ps. the above image is from an exhibit i saw recently, where i also saw john lithgow eating lunch with his family. he is very tall.