Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Beginning

Just the other day I was reading a Defamer post on Aaron Sorkin--cokehead, savant, neo-Mamet, creator of Studio 60 --and had to lament the sad fate God has writ for all my erstwhile artistic heroes (I'm talking to you, Mos). His show, what with its self-important storylines and ho-hum bits of sketch comedy, has given rise to a good deal of schadenfreude in the blogosphere, and the gossip mills spilleth over with news of its imminent demise. The show is certainly flawed and undoubtedly self-indulgent, but I am willing to give it a little bit more credit than most; it at least attempts to take on our country's culture wars, and as far as central conceits go, that one's better than most on TV. Regardless, in the face of such blogotastic derision, Sorkin had this to say of the blogging profession/habit: "An enormous rise in amateurism...Everyone's voice oughtn't be equal."

Oh, I love me some crass elitism and bullshit posturing, and have decided to read Sorkin's words as a call to arms. So--years after the shark has been jumped--I too have decided to join the blogofray. I want to contribute to our society's decline and make my amateurish mark felt, and I hope my stable of guest bloggers--along with Sorkin, co-inspirators in this venture--feel the same way. Thus, this blog, which will be a sporadically updated piece of interweb detritus--as far as low-thresh-hold promises go let's hope that one proves slightly less hollow than some others I've made to myself (read Gravity's Rainbow, go to the gym everyday, etc.).

A word on the nature of the blog: It will aim for Zizek, but will probably strike closer to Pat O'Brien. Enjoy...

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