When I was in high school this guy named Chris Buckley used to pretend like he was a ninja. To this end, randomly in pre-cal, he'd yell out, "To the shadows!" I heard he's an actor now, and was on an episode of Law & Order, but maybe his career didn't take off, and he's resorted to this. My favorite part:
"Richfield Police were called. They searched the neighborhood for the suspect but he managed to slip away into the night in the manner of a ninja."
slash like a ninja
cut like a razor blade?
I recall him saying more frequently...
"NINJA VANISH" when he needed to disapper so Mr. Roeckilne wouldn't be able to murder him for doing semi-nake summersault rolls in front of his Chorale class.
The funny thing, is that in keeping with the reality that he presumed himself invisible, Mr. Roeckline was challenged to discipline them. I guess, not being able to see clever ninjas made it difficult for him to lower the boom...
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