So, now, let's recap. Here're your other hopefuls:
- There's the guy who fought terrorism by looking at the burning embers of the World Trade Center in front of television cameras on September 11th;
- The decrepit guy whose face looks like its melting off in slow motion--the same one who's hoping that primary voters in South Carolina have forgotten he adopted a brown baby;
- The gay-loving Mormon: fabulous and decaffeinated;
- The dude who wants to be President because he thinks the guy mowing his lawn's plotting to kill his grandchildren;
- The Ferris Bueller of the United States Senate;
- The guy who fought a savage war against Bill Clinton for favors received from Monica Lewinsky while cotemporaneously receiving the very same favors from his own mistress;
- And the dude who refuses to pay $667 in back taxes on a house some lobbyist bought him in exchange for his soul.
- Oh, and probably Chuck Hagel, but Cheney'll off him soon--a little scattershot to the face maybe because, you know, Hagel hasn't had enough of that.
don't forget: mr. 9/11 also was once married to his second cousin! america LOVES incest.
and you know where i learned that, c4ts? GAWKER. ya burnt!
Well, it was his third cousin, and that wasn't exactly a Gawker exclusive, but point taken.
naw dude, acc to ABC news, which may be mildly more reputable than gawker:
FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt were second cousins, so were Prince Albert and Queen Victoria and former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was briefly married to a second cousin.
Apologies indeed. Apparently, he thought she was his third cousin, and asked for the marriage to be annulled when he found out that she was, in fact, his second cousin. Nonetheless, we can both agree that it's sad that Chris Farley isn't around to make fun of his meathead son.
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