Blogger E, Usually I would just comment on your post, but I found it so interesting that I am inspired to post in response. You see, I have been waging a long and arduous linguistic battle myself, though this one with hipsters, taste-makers, cultural elites--you know, the bourgeoisie. As our silent partner sugarpockets knows, what I want is to reinfuse our common idiom with my favorite phrase/exclamation of the 1980's:
"Grody to the max!!!" Much to my chagrin though, this campaign has been in vain. I had expected to find my cause championed by the likes of
Noam Chomsky and
William Buckley, but no such luck. So, here's to you,
Punky Brewster (pictured). You might have grown into a fetching and
buxom young woman (pictured), but in my heart, you will always be the cute, befreckled kid with the mismatched socks
whose friend accidentally got locked in a refrigerator. Next time I see a rat crawling on the subway platform at
East Broadway, in your honor I will proclaim, "Grody to the max!!!"
hm. you must have missed that "on language" column last week. safire's on board.
btw, i love that punky brewster episode. it's one of my favorite 80s sitcom episodes of all time, aside from the cosby show when dr. huxtable decides to teach theo a lesson on "real life" by making him live like a hobo off of monopoly money.
Coz: "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
I've dabbled in similar quests with respect to even more archaic phrases, such as "__ really gets my goat" and "____ or I'll eat my hat!"
Professor Matthias Reimann seems to be hip to my quest. He's doing his part by using phrases in his lectures like "that's the way the cookie crumbles." Thanks, Professor R!
For how much money would you kill a gross NYC subway rat? Just curious. Sum same as for puppy (previously discussed)?
anonymous, with a gun? gratis. with my bare hands? hmmmm...
cold4thestreets: with a pencil.
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