if hot chicks with douchebags can score a book deal, can an interweb detritus anthology be that far behind? c4ts, our exit strategy awaits. i know you've got that certain exam coming up, but let's remember your priorities here.
...because all your hope will rot from the inside and turn into despair. (Just kidding! USA is #1!)
Yes, indeed, but first let's submit a photo of you and me and see if they publish it.
from the files of "look who's blogging now," (new tag alert!) did you hear that carlos d is blogging about classical music for the guardian? wtf? i just thought he was an expert on the herps.
I did see that. As for herpes, Carlos D apparently doesn't know enough about it to avoid it. Btw, does this conversation represent a new low for our blog?
if we're going to achieve HCWDB level of notoriety, the herps is only the beginning...
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