Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Goodbye, My Girls! Don't Stop--

For all you intellectually challenged/televisually dependent Sopranos watchers who can't get over the personal affront of Sunday's subtle and unsettled ending, let me rub it in: This is how the pros end a TV series. F'ing genius. But if that doesn't mollify you, check out the clip above
: Meadow Soprano is a really bad actress and can barely contain her fury about how the show ended, and the FBI Agent guy reveals that, as originally shot, the menacing dude at the diner makes his way to Tony. (Read: He gets whacked, people, so can we get over ourselves and talk about season 5 of The Wire?)

1 comment:

cold4thestreets said...

So, I just checked Youtube to see if anyone has done a mashup of the Sopranos ending and the Golden Girls ending, and still no takers. Obviously, I am artistically incompetent and can't do this myself, but the Internet is really letting me down here. Come one people, forget the Goodfellas and Godfather mashups, An opportunity is really slipping through the fingers of nerds around the world.