As I ill-prepare for the notorious California Bar Exam and try not to think about my statistical likelihood of passing, news like this is heartening--even when it comes out (or rather is reiterated) in a tabloid smear-job written by a formerly honorable journalist. If Hillary can fail the DC Bar exam and still juggernaut her way to the nomination, then there is hope for me still.
I think the fact that she failed the D.C. bar is far and away the most likeable thing about her.
Indeed. Her (measured) opposition to the war, her interest in real healthcare reform, her defiance of the patriarchal power-structure that defines our country, her failure to duplicate her husband's extra-terrestrial political acumen all should be held against her.
Also, isn't Al Gore boring?
i hope when i show up in court tomorrow the opposing party is represented by LOLcats.
A little defensive there, cold4thestreets. Who said I was holding her husband's political acumen (or anything) against her? You're projecting. If/when she wins the primary, I'll vote for her. Until then, gimme a break.
No, I'm not defensive. I'm offensive. I'm sorry that I didn't make that clear.
I don't know what you don't like about her, anonymous. Since you don't tell me, I'm left to conjecture. Now, it's entirely possible that Hillary Clinton ran over your cat when you were a little kid, and you've never been able to forgive her. If that's the case, well, goodness me, you would have little reason to.
But it's more likely that you're echoing the talking points, and though I am no Hillary supporter-- not at all--I don't like the axiomatic dislike of her, which has little to do with her substance as a candidate. Really, it's about the fact that she has the gall to be a homely, 40+ woman in the public spotlight. The Gingrich-era Republicans have made this the foundation of their criticism of her, and we as a society have picked it up, unthinking. We've embraced it, just as we've embraced this idea of Al Gore as boring.
I don't care if you vote for Hillary--primaries or general. But I do think one of the other reasons Democrats/liberals don't like her is because she's perceived to be cold--that is, the opposite of her husband. My only point is that these qualities--or perceived qualities of hers--should be irrelevant (especially in an era when millions cast their vote for the guy they wanted to get a beer with, thus consigning scores of Iraqis and thousands of soldiers to their graves).
Anyway, I'm voting for John Edwards, and when he loses and the generals come around--presuming he reveals himself to be the liberal I know he is--Mayor Mike'll have my vote. But what do I know.
don't forget cankles!
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