Regardless, the AE ladies have put together their own list of the 100 hottest women (based on reader votes). What's confusing to me is that Afterellen wants its readers to be congratulated for keeping it real, having embraced Queen Latifah's curves and slotting her in at 55, but even my dad thinks Queen Latifah's hot. And, what, the voters should get props because they know what everyone else does: that that girl from this show Ugly Betty is smoking hot? Anyway, the list is obviously a vast improvement on Maxim's, but I don't understand how after a big to-do about Lindsay Lohan topping the Maxim list, her raspy-voiced, coke-headedness still makes the cut--bafflingly, along with Carmen Elektra, Neve Campbell, and--dry heave--Jessica Biel, Hollywood's plague on my senses. Though reordering the Maxim list and adding Stockard Channing and Allison Janney (I like the West Wing too, but really?) doesn't make it much better, what does is giving Kate Winslet the bronze, and Mariska Hargitay well deserved recognition.
Still, I am continually amazed that we live in a world--gay or straight--that refuses to recognize Thandie Newton (excluded from both lists, but pictured) as far and away the hottest woman in Hollywood and beyond.
i dunno dude, considering your penchant for giuliana dipandi (who resembles some sort of a permatanned lolipop), i'm not sure whether i can wholeheartedly endorse your list.
but yeah, thandie newton is totally hot. i think if she didn't seem so prim, more dudes (and ladies) would be into her. i just feel like a conversation with her must occur in black tie.
She was in Norbit. How black tie can she be?
that girl needs to eat
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