In other news, the CW--a network that I'm pretty sure is run by 14-year-old girls--has announced its fall line-up will include a series called Aliens in America: a comedy about a Pakistani foreign exchange student hosted by a tripped-out family in Wisconsin. (Is Wisco really some sort of hotbed for foreign exchange students?) Maybe it's the Pakistani-in-the-midwest in me, but I'm really excited to try to figure out what channel the CW is and watch this show when it airs. The preview scenes on the website are not at all promising and on the heels of Canada's supremely unfunny Little Mosque on the Prairie I hold little hope for this show, but the network went and cast an actual Pakistani (so far as I can tell) and that's like Rosa Parks kind of progress for my people. We used to just play terrorists--now we get to play characters who the other characters in the show think are terrorists. If that's not the American dream, I don't know what it is.
Frodo as Iggy! how odd! Well, I am sure I won't be the first to advise him to go on tour with his girlfriend's band for inspiration...
Oh, and also a friend of mine who is from Japan did a high school foreign exchange in Wisconsin, so you may be on to something.
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