This is the most confusing Times headline I've seen in a while. What, they're trying to distance themselves from the Anna Nicole story now? Umm, yeah, there's like some inquiry into the death of a "model" or something, we don't really know. Anna Nicole was a model like I play wide receiver for the Redskins, Bill Keller. That kind of feigned disinterest might work if not for the fact that you guys fawned over this non-story like every other tabloid out there. Somebody needs to bulldoze the Times building and turn it into the biggest Lane Bryant in midtown.
ps --California AG (and ex-everything else) Jerry Brown and Joe Biden, separated at birth...and by a few hair plugs?
More crack reporting from the Paper of Record. From Today's story on the Michigan game:
"Purdue hasn't won at Michigan Stadium since 1966 when Brian Griese was its quarterback."
1) The possessive pronoun "its" can only here refer to Purdue or Michigan Stadium. Brian Griese, however, was the Michigan quarterback.
2) Griese was born 9 years after 1966, and was the quarterback in 1996.
Well, in keller's defense she was a guess model way back when. And a playboy "model" as well. I don't think "sad sack" makes for a times-worthy headline.
Joe brown looks like jack welch. Or maybe mills lane or whoever that boxing ref turned tv judge was.
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