Is the blog dying? Is blogging totally 2006? Should we shift this whole enterprise to
tumblr and just re-blog funny cat videos? I don't know. But I do know this. This blog has always been about art above commerce. I mean, I could really easily turn this into another
Look at this Fucking Hipster or
Stuff White People Like, but I have integrity. I write about what I
want to write about:
Here's Zach Galifianakis interviewing Ben Stiller. Here's
Here's Owen Wilson's video suicide note for when he tries to kill himself later this summer. (Too soon?) Art, people. Look it up on Wikipedia.
I thought about writing another post about the slow descent into corporate mediocrity encouraged by my dead end job (and the women who love them). I thought about writing about how Microsoft Outlook only displays six entries at a time, and how that's frustrating because the seventh entry is always about that court call I didn't schedule. I thought about writing about that plaintiff's lawyer who told you me my client is "despicable" and "inhumane," and how I responded, "Well, let's be forward-looking, shall we?"
But fuck it,
motherfucking Duke is in the Final Four, and I am so happy right now, I am seriously considering kissing, on the mouth, every homeless person who asks me for change tomorrow morning. (Note, I will not give them change though. Teach a man to fish and all that.
Tea parties!)
But here's the flip side of Duke success: Already today someone has called me "smug ass" and possessed of a "silver spoon." This week I expect a white guy to criticize Duke to me -- a person who is not a white guy -- for being too white. I expect to be called a "faggot." I expect to be told I never got laid in college by someone with no ties to Duke or North Carolina. And I expect to be told that my team's success is totally illegitimate, and that I should go fuck myself. I get it. Who wants to be responsible for
America's other sweetheart having to accept that Kentucky is once again
a big failure pile in a sadness bowl? Not I. But this is how it goes.