Well, E, you know I'm not about to come to Atlanta without calling on Usher, but it turns out my boy's warmed those cold feet, and plans to go through for real with his wedding this weekend. So, unless Pockets and I crash it, we're not kicking it with him, and we're not kicking it with VIP guest Jermaine Dupri either (Are these pictures from the rehearsal dinner?). Anyway, it's all very sad that all the heroes of the Dirty Dirty will be otherwise occupied. I'll just drown my sorrows in Coca-Cola tomorrow.
Anyway, not much to report from Atlanta thus far. Pockets read the previous blog post and said, "What if nothing interesting happens on our trip and you keep posting boring stuff like that?" Then we went to load the car, and found it infested with ants. They crawled through the passenger door, the driver side door, and they were all over the engine and had colonized the car battery. Now, that's excitement, right?