Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ebony and Ivory, Kufi and Yarkmulke

I know quibbling with the New York Post editors over the reductive, bigoted ways in which they label people is futile through and through, but still, after seeing this, I have a quibble. Now I know all they wanted was for me to enjoy that warm, velvety feeling around my heart that some call the Christmas (err, holiday) spirit--I mean, actual evidence in a "major" (kidding, LOL) "newspaper" supporting the notion that maybe, just maybe, I (and my ilk) aren't a bunch of gibberish-babbling, virgin-seeking, freedom-haters--but, alas, no such feeling.

Ignoring the preliminary questions (e.g., what kind of person, upon getting the shit kicked out of him by neo-Nazis, strikes faux-prize-fighter poses like the Post is his Facebook page?; when the one attacker gets out of prison, having served time for his previous hate-crime, will the military accept his application? (rhetorical, LOL); it really took five people to write/contribute to this story??), can I just say this: this whole affair is deemed newsworthy (or as newsworthy as it is) because a "modest" and "hero[ic]" Muslim saw fit to help a couple of Jews avoid the wrath of psychopaths--that is, a Muslim behaved so far out of stereotypical character he merits "serious reportage" (3rd LOL). Now I know the Post would've run a story anyway, even if the guy weren't Bangladeshi, but the angle of the reporting is what interests me.

And yet, despite the angle, and though my heart isn't warmed--Lord Christ in heaven above--I know this is actually progress for our fat, dumb country. That said, what I still want for ChristmukkahEid (I added the Ay-rab holiday too, like it matters to anybody!; 4th LOL) is for people to stop asking where are all the moderate Muslims? How come they don't speak out? No one's given us much a forum in which to, and the New York Post is genuinely astonished that in the city of New York even one of us exists.