Monday, November 8, 2010

The Case against Books

!!!!!!! [BESTIE x BESTIE  1] !!!!!!! from Dean Fleischer-Camp on Vimeo.

Hey, Interweb Detritus is known for launching many careers -- John Edwards' presidency (Hair Club for Men), David Brooks' whatever-he-does, and, at some point, I used to post videos of Gabe and Jenny, from the now sort-of defunct Super Deluxe. Because of that, Jenny Slate caught fire, and went on to eventual "fame" with Saturday Night Live. On her first show she said "fuckin'," which is not allowed and hurts America's heart/eyes. Thereafter, she was shut out for much of the rest of the season, and was eventually fired. Super sad! But she's okay, in case you were wondering. And she thinks you and your Aunt Merriweather are bitches. And you know what, you and her are.

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