Friday, April 20, 2007

i'm gonna be so rich my grandkids are gonna play lacrosse!

i forgot to bring reading material on my commute to work, which forced me to read over other people's shoulders. kind of a blessing in disguise, since i never would've discovered this otherwise. way to go, kid! perhaps you can gain access to that co-op in the sky after all.


Rachel said...

from the NYP story:
"Two-thirds of people told the publication that they never believed the charges against the players - and always thought they would be exonerated."

Meh. Probably true of any rape charge. Doubly true of one where the races of the players line up like this one. Awesome.

cold4thestreets said...

You know, Rachel, part of me is inclined to call it as you see it, but the other part of me thinks that statistic has more to do with the convenient collective American amnesia that kicks in when one's hysterical initial reactions are called into question by facts and truth. All the same people who wanted to thrown the Duke kids in the slammer now claim they always knew them to be innocent: It's all about being on the side that's winning.

Anyway, all joking aside--I know I've been following the case more than most--but Dave Evans (unlike Colin Finnerty) is most likely not a terrible asshole, at least not the kind who's racist and rape-prone. He's just a garden variety asshole: the kind who becomes an investment banker.

By the way, you guys think I'm crazy about Duke basketball; really, you need to meet John Mack, Morgan Stanley's CEO. He's out of control.