Friday, April 13, 2007

Train of Thought

You know there's something to that whole butterfly-tsunami thing. I got to thinking about it yesterday with Jon Corzine's Curse of the McGreevo car accident . If All-American superstar phenom Lindsay Harding (pictured)--the best player on the best team in the country--hadn't choked and missed both her free throws at the end of regulation in Duke's Sweet 16 match-up against Rutgers--a team they had beaten by 40 points earlier in the year--Rutgers would never have advanced to the final, Don Imus would still have said any number of asinine racist-sexist things, but not the thing that gotten him into trouble, and Jon Corzine wouldn't have been misusing New Jersey gubernatorial resources to go play Henry Kissinger at the Imus-Rutgers summit, and that Dodge would never have run him off the road. And there wouldn't be Captain Obvious headlines like this one. And Snoop wouldn't have made me dumber just by reading his take on the whole Imus fake news story. Basically, if Harding had hit those free throws, the world would be a better place. Kurt Vonnegut would probably still be alive, and that kid from that show who everyone loves to hate, well, he'd be dead. So, basically hers was about the most devastating sports-related choke in history. Except for this one.

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