Friday, March 30, 2007
Music Video of the Day: Sleazy Remark on Her Whorish Dress Edition
This is "Backfire at the Disco" by Liverpudlian, dance-punk darlings the Wombats. They took SXSW by storm a couple of weeks back. Watch and see why.
"He disrespected us in the most horrific way."

and we ride on them things like everyday

a streetcar! along one of the wealthiest and, let's face it, whitest neighborhoods in atlanta? racial integration on public transit isn't exactly atlanta's strongsuit. hello marta. as a pseudo-communist from canada, i was shocked to find that people disagreed on the necessity of public infrastructure, like, uh, sidewalks. i can't imagine that atlantans will be rushing to pay for this with their tax dollars, but that remains to be seen.
anyway, mayor franklin, i salute your efforts. traffic congestion in your city is ungodly and, not to mention, un-al gore. but please propose a superior slogan to "itsmarta."
on an unrelated note, i'm gonna don my flannel and go see sebadoh this weekend. long live the early to mid-90s!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, Unknown Unknowns

Anyway, I myself just now had one of these moments. Apparently, I have gone my whole life writing and saying "fin de siecle" for "piece de resistance." Bill Safire is going to be so disappointed in me. (Of course, he would never use "so" incorrectly as I just did.)
Monday, March 26, 2007
Ain't No Bar/Bri like California Bar/Bri...
Earlier today I attempted to go the the California Bar Exam website, but accidentally browsed my way to this site. The old .org/.com mix-up. Check out the lead picture on the second site--you have to click the link, since it won't let me poach it for some reason. What's up with that image? The .com site purports to be "for resources and information on Lawyers and California Bar Exam," and I know the California Bar is hard. I shit myself daily just thinking about it, but it doesn't really help matters when in attempting to register for it I'm met with a picture of a recent law school graduate who's obviously just failed, disappointed grandpa, and shamed himself in front of a group of nonplussed old people--that or he just got convicted for a DUI in the California Court of Senescence, which will seriously impact his moral fitness and character review.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Get Your Mind Correct

But then, there's that other kind of scrutiny. The kind you seek out. Rudy Giuliani (pictured)--perhaps the most attention-starved man this side of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--knows what I'm talking about: After all, as mayor of New York he saw fit to hold press conferences to decry suicide bombers in the Middle East and to announce the dissolution of his marriage (without consulting his soon-to-be-ex first). His media whorishness--which makes Chuck Schumer look like a wallflower--reached fever pitch of course on September 11th, when lo and behold, without him having to ask, the world's cameras voluntarily turned to him. His brave choice not to disintegrate into histrionics--which, as I recall, can be said of almost every other New Yorker as well--has earned him a Bush-style free pass. But I digress...
You run for President and everything you say takes on new import. Knowing that, why on God's green earth is Barack Obama opining about the civil rights of the three Duke lacrosse players. Yes, it's pretty obvious Mike Nifong, the Durham County District Attorney, hid exculpatory evidence in pursuing his case, violated North Carolina's rules of professional conduct with his inappropriate comments, and drummed up racial tensions so that he could win re-election. These kids were hosed. I have no doubt about that. But it's also pretty clear that they're members of a dishonorable organization, a team that's pretty comfortable with racism and misogyny. (Listen to the 911 calls). I am not saying you reap what you sow. Nifong's an asshole. But so are these kids (though they're not rapists), and in an age when scores of non-assholes have their civil rights routinely trampled on, how is this a cause celebre?
Obama, you need to stay out of this. If you want to be President, your plate should be full already, with things like health care, which you seem to have no imagination about. Ain't no votes in the rape case, son. Get your mind correct...
creepy dude,
Duke Rape Case,
still beats david boies
wow, this is newsworthy enough for the times to waste its precious editorial page space on?? is this some sort of a meta-commentary on the vapidity of our culture? this is even worse than modern love! at least they're still running "the boss." best part of the times!
i gotta hand it to matthew fox: you've come a long way since my junior year when you gave a talk in the schapiro lounge! also, where is neve campbell?
and a shout-out to collin: "In conclusion, peace is good and war and oppression are bad." parents of cc'07, stick with charlie. nobel prizewinners may disappoint.
i gotta hand it to matthew fox: you've come a long way since my junior year when you gave a talk in the schapiro lounge! also, where is neve campbell?
and a shout-out to collin: "In conclusion, peace is good and war and oppression are bad." parents of cc'07, stick with charlie. nobel prizewinners may disappoint.
Roy Hibbert Eats Tyler Hansbrough's Nonexistent Children

Georgetown 96, UNC 84.
Hoyas go on to the Final Four, where they will feast on Greg Oden.
College Basketball,
First Love
Friday, March 23, 2007
because i could

of course, which do i prefer? i haven't been this conflicted since the fat vs. thin elvis debate of the 90s.
give me a break

Thursday, March 22, 2007
March Madness: Cricket Edition -- UPDATE

Oh My! I'm a Casual Racist

pimp it up

some of the pimped snacks blew my mind: the cola bottle, the tunnock's teacake and the all-american and all-delicious hostess cupcake. not to mention, look at that fool and his giant custard creme.
sugarpockets, c4ts and i tried to come up with our own pimp-worthy snacks: combos? milanos? in fact, most pepperidge farm cookies (i'm looking at you, chessmen) would be pretty good writ large.
on a legal note, the website was first called until mtv sent them a cease and desist letter (c4ts, you and i can only dream about receiving such attention). the creators then changed the site name to oh really, the "my" was misleading the masses? fucking lawyers.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
teacher...mother...secret lover

when i see posts like this one i think, hey, i'm not alone in this world.
despite my personal philosophy that once anything becomes a job it immediately loses all appeal, i thought maybe being a tv critic wouldn't be so bad. then i found out you need a freaking harvard degree to make it around here. jeez.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
March Madness: Cricket Edition

In Pakistan talk of a resurgence had reached fever pitch the last few weeks: In the wake of ball-tampering and doping scandals, was this to be the year that our fearless (at least in the face of the proverbial extra donut) captain Inzamam (pictured) would lead us back to '92 glory? Sadly, no. Not only did Pakistan lose to the host team, over the weekend it lost to--wait for it--Ireland, a team from a country that disdains all things English; a team that is playing in its first ever World Cup; a team made up of, I shit you not, electricians, postmen, and delivery truck drivers, amateurs who must now look into requesting extra vacation time from their bosses just so that they can play in the Super 8's (the second round, to which Ireland will likely advance and to which Pakistan will not). "Without a hint of doubt in my mind, it's the lowest point in Pakistan cricket," said Initikhab Alam, the coach of the triumphant '92 team...but actually it wasn't. The lowest point would come just hours later when...
THE COACH OF THE PAKISTANI TEAM, BOB WOOLMER, WAS FOUND DEAD IN HIS HOTEL ROOM. An autopsy is scheduled, and I fear the worst--coincidence just seems like too much to ask.
In the end, Pakistan was on the wrong end of the worst upset in cricket history, and one way or the other--because of murder or shock--its coach paid for it with his life. That's cold. Cold for the streets, and makes basketball March Madness look like backgammon at the old folks' home.
kids say the darndest things
Thursday, March 15, 2007
for the awkward moments of our lives...part 3
they recently renovated my floor and have begun hanging up "artwork," i.e. things that resemble castoffs from a hotel auction from the 80s. photos of car interiors, paintings that look like those fruitopia ads from the mid-90s, pastel renderings of benign new york landscapes. heinous stuff.
i was walking down the hall with someone who's more familiar with these parts and i said, "[redacted], can't we get better artwork around here?" he replies a few seconds later, "E, you said it right in front of the woman in charge of buying the art."
i was walking down the hall with someone who's more familiar with these parts and i said, "[redacted], can't we get better artwork around here?" he replies a few seconds later, "E, you said it right in front of the woman in charge of buying the art."
The March of Madness...

Now, that said, to know me is to know how much I love watching college basketball, and how much I adore my team--the vilified Duke Blue Devils. And as unsettled as I am by this fact of my character, I too experience an unnatural joy when they win--which they haven't been doing a lot of this year. It's how I'm conditioned. But one thing I've never felt when thinking of Duke's rivals--Maryland, North Carolina--is disdain. That's something I just don't get. I mean irrational love is one thing, but irrational hate, well, that should give us pause; no matter what the form. Now, my Duke friends might say that to love Duke is to hate Carolina. But I don't see it. I want Duke to beat Carolina when they play, but when Carolina plays other teams I wish them well. They're Michael Jordan's Tar Heels. What's to hate?
Okay, okay. Maybe it's all in good fun. Those of us who have a connection to Duke or Carolina can talk smack about one another, but here's a real headscratcher: What is up with the random-ass people who detest Duke and love Carolina, but have absolutely no connection to either? What is that about? Homey, you went to Tufts or Santa Clara or wherever. You ain't gotta horse in this race. You couldn't find Franklin Street on a map of Chapel Hill. But yet, you do things like this: send vituperative emails to the Michigan Law School listserv denouncing Duke, address me with homophobic slurs at sports bars when I cheer for Duke, and post videos on YouTube, like this one--from my friend Nick's brother, which, my lecture aside, is actually pretty funny--though the "you even suck at rape" line is stunningly uncool:
College Basketball,
Noam Chomsky,

oh, what a way to brighten my dreary day!
1) reminders of the halcyon days of the clinton administration
2) wall street journal hedcuts
is this blog anti-daylight savings time?
someone at work today revealed to me his love for magnum p.i. (for the record, i always thought magnum wore both a detroit tigers cap and a hawaiian shirt, but apparently that venn diagram doth not meet). thinking about hawaiian shirts reminds me of only one thing: trader joe's. i have an unabashed and unquenchable love for that place. it was the silver lining amidst those dreary days in ann arbor. sure it was snowing in may, but who gives a shit when you can hang with not only trader joe, but trader ming and trader giotto?
anyway, i was super-psyched when TJs decided to open an outpost in new york. i think this excitement lasted for about 2 months, when it dawned on me that the anxiety over whether i could reduce my trip to 8 items so i could join the express line, fighting off those pesky nyu kids buying nothing but cereal, going to a separate store to buy wine, then taking two trains to get home, oh, i dunno, seemed stupid.
joe, someday you and i will be reunited and it will feel so good.
someone at work today revealed to me his love for magnum p.i. (for the record, i always thought magnum wore both a detroit tigers cap and a hawaiian shirt, but apparently that venn diagram doth not meet). thinking about hawaiian shirts reminds me of only one thing: trader joe's. i have an unabashed and unquenchable love for that place. it was the silver lining amidst those dreary days in ann arbor. sure it was snowing in may, but who gives a shit when you can hang with not only trader joe, but trader ming and trader giotto?
anyway, i was super-psyched when TJs decided to open an outpost in new york. i think this excitement lasted for about 2 months, when it dawned on me that the anxiety over whether i could reduce my trip to 8 items so i could join the express line, fighting off those pesky nyu kids buying nothing but cereal, going to a separate store to buy wine, then taking two trains to get home, oh, i dunno, seemed stupid.
joe, someday you and i will be reunited and it will feel so good.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Quote of the Day: March Madness Edition

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
heckuva job

i asked some friends today whether this plan to fire a host of AUSAs was evil. and dil, i think correctly, noted that this may not even warrant a footnote in the catalogue of evils wrought by this administration. i originally thought, really? attempting to decimate the DOJ because it didn't align with your master plan isn't evil?
then i came home and when the levees broke was in my mailbox. about 10 minutes in i grew increasingly depressed. where to even begin? i'm at a loss. fuck you, george w. bush. fuck you, too, dick cheney.
and this is a little disingenuous coming from a billionaire, but i'll take it.
A2, Brutus?
This is the 5-day forecast in Ann Arbor. It's a useful tool since it also charts the state of my happiness. Right now--at the time of posting--the temperature is 71 degrees with sunny skies, which means I'm like Drew Barrymore after 5 espressos. Behold as my joy rots and dies from within over the next few days: The forecast for Saturday calls for snow and below freezing temperatures--that is, a 50% chance of my morphing into Rep. Obey (D-WI) after being confronted with people who want him to vote against the supplemental funding for the War or, much to his chagrin, use a filibuster in the House, an august body, in which of course there isn't one:
Monday, March 12, 2007
reader(...s?), i am feeling overworked and underinspired. and y'know, it hit me, if c4ts can have unlimited shoe-related posts, then i will not cease with my gawker-related posts. i should celebrate that which gives me joy. which do i love most - postsecret? this post about brunch? this train wreck of a post, which i simultaneously love yet loathe? i mean, it is terrifyingly classist, but how can you not remark on people whose weddings involve the following: 1) First dance is to Michael Buble's "That's All"; 2) Wedding song is "Unchained Melody"; 3) Guests made to sing Bob Marley's "One Love" as the couple walked down the aisle?
even though i now live in nyc, i still don't receive my new yorker until at least wednesday. i can't wait for this article. i hope it exhaustively chronicles his journey from tub o'lard with a fan to haughty manorexic. woot. and for those of you who haven't yet read last week's, definitely read the one about AIDS in south africa, joan acocella's article about the choreographer of edward scissorhands, and whichever louis menand article it was. otherwise, forget the one about chalk. snooze!
as a last tidbit, why do designers who push impossible ideals on us always wear the same thing? carolina herrera? tom ford? michael kors?
even though i now live in nyc, i still don't receive my new yorker until at least wednesday. i can't wait for this article. i hope it exhaustively chronicles his journey from tub o'lard with a fan to haughty manorexic. woot. and for those of you who haven't yet read last week's, definitely read the one about AIDS in south africa, joan acocella's article about the choreographer of edward scissorhands, and whichever louis menand article it was. otherwise, forget the one about chalk. snooze!
as a last tidbit, why do designers who push impossible ideals on us always wear the same thing? carolina herrera? tom ford? michael kors?
Kicks -- Part 2
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Friday, March 9, 2007
Grand Ole Party

So, now, let's recap. Here're your other hopefuls:
- There's the guy who fought terrorism by looking at the burning embers of the World Trade Center in front of television cameras on September 11th;
- The decrepit guy whose face looks like its melting off in slow motion--the same one who's hoping that primary voters in South Carolina have forgotten he adopted a brown baby;
- The gay-loving Mormon: fabulous and decaffeinated;
- The dude who wants to be President because he thinks the guy mowing his lawn's plotting to kill his grandchildren;
- The Ferris Bueller of the United States Senate;
- The guy who fought a savage war against Bill Clinton for favors received from Monica Lewinsky while cotemporaneously receiving the very same favors from his own mistress;
- And the dude who refuses to pay $667 in back taxes on a house some lobbyist bought him in exchange for his soul.
- Oh, and probably Chuck Hagel, but Cheney'll off him soon--a little scattershot to the face maybe because, you know, Hagel hasn't had enough of that.
Fruit of the Swine,
Law and Order,
Quote of the Day
"Life is fair. Some people have talent. Others get prizes." -- Julie Phillips, quoting the subject of her own National Book Critics Circle award-winning biography, science fiction writer Alice B. Sheldon, at yesterday's NBCC Awards.
we're gonna have pun tonight

1) KING OF SWING - ny post, the day saddam was executed
2) ROASTED NUTS - trenton trentonian, mind-boggling!
3) usher says "yeah!" to mtv movie - pretty self-explanatory
4) gimpy gal sues MTA - ny post, disabled woman sues MTA alleging they failed to hire her because she was wheel-chair bound
but gawker, once again, blew my mind in this lance bass related post. who are these people? i must befriend them, stat. some highlights:
A Life Lived Bass Ackwards
Lance: from Lame to Lamé
Stop Calling me Ellen
Basstronaut: If I Did It (Ghost written by OJ Simpson ghost written by James Frey)
Are You There Lou Pearlman? It's Me, Lance
Sorry, Gays, I Know You Wanted It To Be Justin
Thursday, March 8, 2007
I Still Want a Huuuuuuuula Hoop

So, in the Oscars - Live Blog I wondered aloud who might be cast in a live-action, all-female version of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Answer: Maggie Gyllenhaal as Alvin, Reese Witherspoon as Theodore, rest to be determined. Anyway, that was just me musing aloud (atype? ablog?), just bullshitting about something that wouldn't come to pass, right? Not even the criminally incompetent, the imaginationally impaired czars of a Hollywood studio would greenlight that kind of crap, you say? Well, you're only half-right. Apparently, there will be a live-action (cgi-supplemented) Chipmunks movie coming out this Christmas--though not a gender-bending one, sadly. Banky/Brodie from the Kevin Smith movies (apparently, a television star now?) is going to play emotionally abusive, PETA-hating record-producer/slavedriver/profiteer Dave Seville--hopefully as some sort of cross between Phil Spector and Bob Saget. Meanwhile, enjoy the oldie but goldie below...
-Chipmunks Christmas song.mp3
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
She's Not. That. Innocent.

To make it clear what audiences are in for, at least in part, photographs of Mr. Radcliffe’s buff torso, stripped almost to the groin, have been used to advertise the production. It is as jarring as if, say, Anne Hathaway suddenly announced that instead of playing sweet-natured princesses and fashion-world ingénues, she wanted to appear onstage as a nude, murderous prostitute.
Umm no. That wouldn't be jarring at all, dumbass, as any of the bajillion people who saw Brokeback knows. In that film and in another one as well she goes topless. Bill Keller needs to get Sewell Chan to start writing for Arts & Leisure because that joint is falling apart. That, or make sure the fact-checkers' blow isn't being cut with Arm & Hammer.
Anne Hathaway,
New York Times,
Sewell Chan
stop making sense - part 2 : Grody to the Max Edition

stop making sense - part 1
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
vast right-wing conspiracy
scene: 3 olds in the cafeteria at work. i'd say they were born circa-johnson (andrew, not lyndon)
old 1: did you hear scooter libby may go to jail?
old 2: i wish they'd send hilary instead.
chorus of olds chortling.
old 1: did you hear scooter libby may go to jail?
old 2: i wish they'd send hilary instead.
chorus of olds chortling.
Televising the Revolution

Well, that moment seemed to pass, but now comes word that Wynton Marsalis (pictured, err, depicted) also hates hip hop, except, unlike back-pedaling Oprah, he's not equivocating. This is the salient bit from his recent interview with the Guardian:
Old school minstrels used to say they were 'real darkies from the real plantation'. Hip-hop substitutes the plantation for the streets. Now you have to say that you're from the streets, you shot some brothers, you went to jail. Rappers have to display the correct pathology. Rap has become a safari for people who get their thrills from watching African-American people debase themselves, men dressing in gold, calling themselves stupid names like Ludacris or 50 Cent, spending money on expensive fluff, using language like 'bitch' and 'ho' and 'nigger.'
It's clear that there are generational and class divisions at work here, and far be it from me to opine about an issue that goes to the heart of contemporary black American society, being that, well, I'm not black, but still why is it that Marsalis, Oprah, Bill O'Reilly and others seem to think the paragons, the torch-bearers, of an entire genre of music--an entire aesthetic, an entire culture (not subculture, mind you)--are its worst offenders?
Okay, that's a rhetorical question. I can imagine what Nelly's album sales look like when compared to Jurassic 5's, but once, just once, I'd like to hear what universally renowned musical geniuses like Wynton Marsalis have to say about Mos Def's Black on Both Sides or Tribe's Low-End Theory or anything Viktor Vaughn's released. Hip hop may include all of the things that Marsalis hates it for--all of the things that I too hate about it--but, still, I know I'm not alone when I say, it's the greatest artistic invention of our lifetime.
In that spirit, and in honor of today's news that Scooter Libby is likely jail-bound, I give you Akon and Styles P's "Locked Up," which includes this gem, "Locked up, they won't let me out/ And I had a long day in court. Shit stressed me out."
Hip Hop,
Wynton Marsalis
Sunday, March 4, 2007
sports cap

this "play" magazine that the times sometimes slips into my sunday paper seems to be the print equivalent of a non-sequitur. wtf? i decided to flip through it this morning before i get to the heavy stuff, e.g., sunday styles, the city, coupons.
there was this article fawning over marv albert. now, as i indicated in a previous post, nothing in sports past june 14, 1994 interests me, so of course i read this. ah, i remember those lazy saturday mornings marked by that john tesh-composed nba on nbc theme. marv, you will never be a man in panties who likes to bite women to me.
on a related note, some of you know that i had to make a mad dash to the border last week for no good reason. at the toronto airport i ran into freaking PAT QUINN, aka my childhood idol and two-time coach of the year winner. i sort of gushed, "i am a big fan of yours." he looked a little taken aback and muttered something resembling a thank you. then i came home, googled him and found this. learns me to stop paying attention to sports.
if you've made it this far, here is your reward: i am going to eat your family.
Friday, March 2, 2007
You Are Coming to a Sad Realization. Cancel or Allow?

No, I haven't a death wish. It's just that I had planned to do a lot in my 20's. To be specific, I had planned to write a great novel and liberate myself from the workaday life, but yet I languish in writer's lethargy, only occasionally considering my scraps of a first chapter, which I have been revisiting for years now. Chapter Two of this book, a sin-soaked, South-Asian-American bildungsroman about a school-teacher in New York, exactly the kind of work that wins you Michiko Kakutani's favor, is as far off as ever. And now comes the following disheartening news: Uzodinma Iweala (pictured), whose mom worked in the same place my dad worked (but in a higher position), who went to the same tiny high school I did (but then went to a better college), who is four years my junior, and who published his debut novel in 2005, has just been named one of Granta's best young American novelists. I've never met the guy, and the only thing of his I've read was in the New Yorker a little while back, but still I seethe with the most malignant form of jealousy
Yet, sadly, jealousy, that lazy bitch, doesn't spur me to action.
So, with my 29th birthday--my 30th year on Earth--descending upon me, ton-of-bricks style, I promise you this, singular reader: a great work of fiction...sometime in my 30's.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Brokeback Odds and Ends

So, I was looking for some information about when Feist's new album comes out, and I came across this home-made video, which is awesome.(The embed function is not working properly, I am sorry to say.) It sets Feist's "Secret Heart" to scenes from Brokeback. Also, in related news, despite all the good will that Marky Mark had earned in my heart with his post-Planet of the Apes redemption in The Departed, he's actually just a homophobic ass.
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