Monday, March 26, 2007

Ain't No Bar/Bri like California Bar/Bri...

Earlier today I attempted to go the the California Bar Exam website, but accidentally browsed my way to this site. The old .org/.com mix-up. Check out the lead picture on the second site--you have to click the link, since it won't let me poach it for some reason. What's up with that image? The .com site purports to be "for resources and information on Lawyers and California Bar Exam," and I know the California Bar is hard. I shit myself daily just thinking about it, but it doesn't really help matters when in attempting to register for it I'm met with a picture of a recent law school graduate who's obviously just failed, disappointed grandpa, and shamed himself in front of a group of nonplussed old people--that or he just got convicted for a DUI in the California Court of Senescence, which will seriously impact his moral fitness and character review.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Cold, you're so golden. Don't worry about that pesky test. Just do the work, get enough sleep, and don't allow yourself to fall into the anxiety traps that your fellow students set up. I passed CA, and you will, too!

E said...

c4ts, the cali bar is going to eat your family.

Anonymous said...

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