Sunday, March 25, 2007

still beats david boies

wow, this is newsworthy enough for the times to waste its precious editorial page space on?? is this some sort of a meta-commentary on the vapidity of our culture? this is even worse than modern love! at least they're still running "the boss." best part of the times!

i gotta hand it to matthew fox: you've come a long way since my junior year when you gave a talk in the schapiro lounge! also, where is neve campbell?

and a shout-out to collin: "In conclusion, peace is good and war and oppression are bad." parents of cc'07, stick with charlie. nobel prizewinners may disappoint.

1 comment:

cold4thestreets said...

I hope he talks about how he maintains such beautiful and unfluctuating stubble. Seriously, I want to know.