Thursday, March 15, 2007

for the awkward moments of our lives...part 3

they recently renovated my floor and have begun hanging up "artwork," i.e. things that resemble castoffs from a hotel auction from the 80s. photos of car interiors, paintings that look like those fruitopia ads from the mid-90s, pastel renderings of benign new york landscapes. heinous stuff.

i was walking down the hall with someone who's more familiar with these parts and i said, "[redacted], can't we get better artwork around here?" he replies a few seconds later, "E, you said it right in front of the woman in charge of buying the art."


cold4thestreets said...

Do you remember in Fight Club when Tyler Durden dispatches some of his minions to complete some rites of passage, among them the destruction of a piece of corporate art? I think, Blogger E, you have your mission.

cold4thestreets said...

If i take a picture of the inside of my Corolla will you frame it and hang it in the hallways of Redacted & Redacted?

E said...

c4ts, it's redacted & redacted LLP.